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Gymshim Trainer App

An app for gym trainers of Gymshim Ecosystem

Trainer Hero.png


This is an app designed for gym trainers of gymshim platform. Gymshim is a Pune based company which provides solutions to gyms in India and abroad. Gymshim GOS (Gym Operating System) is a market-leading CRM for gyms in India.

With the goal of targeting the entire gym ecosystem, Gymshim decided to focus on gym trainers, a key part of the ecosystem.

Business Goals

By catering to trainers, Gymshim aims to achieve several business goals:

  • Expanding into new parts of the gym ecosystem

  • Increasing the mindshare of the CRM

  • Creating customer lock-in

  • Gathering data to make better future decisions.

Our competitors do not currently offer solutions for trainers, making this an opportunity for Gymshim to differentiate itself in the market.

The Problem

Trainers often find it challenging to manage their time effectively, which can hinder their ability to provide optimal services to their clients.

The major hurdles they face is keeping track of their clients' attendance, appointments, and schedules. This lack of organization and visibility can lead to frustration and inefficiency


To conduct my user research, I have chosen to utilize guerrilla research due to its speed and cost-effectiveness. Since my target user is predetermined as gym trainers, I interviewed five trainers of varying ages to gather insights into their work.


During these interviews, I asked questions about:

  • how long they have been training clients

  • how many clients they train on average each day

  • what their typical day looks like

  • what they find interesting and not so interesting about their job

  • what tools they use to support their work.

To supplement these interviews, I also spent a day shadowing two gym trainers in their natural environment to gain a better understanding of their daily routines and the challenges they face.


After analyzing the data I gathered from interviews and observations, I noticed that gym trainers' work revolves around managing:

  1. Attendance

  2. Clients

  3. Schedule

  4. Diet and workout charts

Further exploration revealed that the diet and workout chart part of their work is just as complex as the combination of the other three parts mentioned above.

Following a discussion with the product owner, we have decided to focus on the first three parts in the initial development phase and address the diet and workout chart part in a future phase. This decision was based on our analysis of the user research data and the scope of each aspect of the gym trainers' work.



Male, 30, Personal Trainer at local gym, 8 years of experience, Diploma in Exercise Science


Suyash’s primary goal is to help his clients achieve their fitness goals and improve their overall health and well-being. He is also constantly looking for ways to improve his own knowledge and skills as a trainer, and to grow his client base.


One of Suyash’s biggest challenges is finding enough time to meet the needs of all of his clients. He often has to juggle multiple training sessions and appointments in a single day, and struggles to find time for his own personal and professional development.

Persona m.png

User Flow

I always strive to simplify the user flow and reduce the number of steps required to complete tasks.

  • I looked for ways to automate as many tasks as possible. For instance, instead of requiring trainers to manually add new clients to their app, I proposed that the system be set up to automatically assign new clients to trainers when they take a membership

  • In addition, I suggested that trainers be notified through the app whenever a new member is assigned to them. This would ensure that they are always aware of new clients and can start working with them immediately.

  • To make sure that trainers are up-to-date on important client information, we set up automatic notifications for client birthdays, anniversaries, and any membership updates. This would allow trainers to provide personalized attention to clients without having to manually track this information themselves.

Here is the core user flow for trainers that addresses Attendance, Clients, and Schedule, to ensure that they have a streamlined and efficient user experience

Overall, my focus on automating tasks and simplifying the user journey led to a more efficient and effective system that allowed trainers to focus on what they do best – training clients.

Thumbnail Sketches

When I create a thumbnail sketches, I'm essentially exploring different possibilities for the UI. I can experiment with different sizes, shapes, and compositions to see what works best.

Thumbnail Sketch Trainer.png


Wireframes are an important part of the design process because they help me to visualize and refine the layout and structure of the interface before investing too much time and resources into detailed design work.

Wireframe Trainer 1.png

Typography & Colors

Selecting appropriate colors is critical for enhancing the appearance and ambience of an app. In this case, I opted for the red color from the company logo as accent color and applied the 60-30-10 color rule, with 60% utilization of the primary color white, 30% of a dark grey shade, and 10% accentuated with the red color.

Final Design

I focused on creating functional and aesthetically pleasing design. I paid close attention to typography and color theory to establish a cohesive visual language

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I have developed a clickable prototype using Figma, which highlights clickable areas in a light blue color when you interact with the screens. This allows you to test the prototype's functionality and experience the user flow of the design.

Final Thoughts

Despite catering to a niche market, the app has still managed to garner over 8,000 downloads on both the Play Store and App Store. Its development was the result of months of dedication and hard work.

It's crucial to understand the needs of your target users. This means researching what they want to achieve, what features they find most useful, and what their pain points are with existing solutions.


Simplicity and ease of use are essential. A clean and intuitive interface, with clear navigation and a logical flow of information, will help users find what they need quickly and easily.


Visual design plays a crucial role in guiding users through the app. Consistent branding, typography, and imagery can help establish a hierarchy of information and make the app more engaging and user-friendly.

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