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Expense Management

A web application module designed for managing gym expenses

Expense Hero.png


Expense management is a crucial aspect of running any business, including gyms.

Expense Management module is a part of ‘Gymshim CRM’.
It simplifies expense tracking and management, covering all aspects of gym expenses. It has made it possible for gym owners to manage their expenses efficiently and focus on growing their business.


Create a comprehensive tool for gym owners to manage their gym expenses efficiently covering all aspects of gym expenses such as equipment maintenance, utilities, payroll, and more.

The ultimate goal of the gym expense management software is to enable gym owners to save time, reduce errors, and focus on growing their business.


For this project, I opted to utilize the guerrilla research method. During my research, I visited multiple gyms to observe their expense management practices. I discovered that all the gyms I visited relied on Microsoft Excel, which is a versatile tool but not specifically designed for managing gym expenses. Some gyms even utilized pre-made Excel templates for expense management.

Furthermore, I conducted interviews with gym owners and managers, and also observed them in action to gain a deeper understanding of their needs and preferences regarding expense management. Through my research, I identified two distinct types of users:

Gym Owners and Gym Managers.

These users have differing priorities when it comes to expense management.

Gym manager is typically responsible for managing expenses, so they prefer a tool that allows for easy expense logging.

While gym owners prioritize comprehensive expense reports to get a clear picture of their spending and make informed decisions based on the data.

Persona 1

Pallavi, 31

Occupation: Gym Manager


Suyash’s primary goal is to help his clients achieve their fitness goals and improve their overall health and well-being. He is also constantly looking for ways to improve his own knowledge and skills as a trainer, and to grow his client base.


  • Pallavi wants a tool that allows her to easily log expenses, categorize them, and track spending trends over time.

  • She prefers tools that are easy to use and require minimal training, as she has limited time to learn new software.

  • Pallavi is always looking for ways to streamline her workflow and improve the gym's bottom line.


  • Pallavi is frustrated by tools that is overly complicated and time-consuming to use.

  • She becomes frustrated when she has to spend hours organizing and categorizing expenses manually.

  • Pallavi also finds it frustrating when the tool she is using does not offer clear and concise reporting, making it difficult to analyze data and make informed decisions.


Persona 2

Rahul, 38

Occupation: Gym Owner


Rahul has been a gym owner for the past 10 years. He has a degree in business management and has experience running several successful businesses. Rahul is responsible for overseeing the overall strategy of the gym, including managing finances, marketing, and operations. He is focused on growing the business while also ensuring it runs efficiently.


  • Rahul’s primary goal is to have a clear understanding of the gym's finances to make informed decisions.

  • He wants a tool that can help him track spending trends over time and forecast future expenses.

  • Rahul is always looking for ways to reduce expenses and increase revenue.


  • Rahul is frustrated by software that doesn't offer comprehensive expense reports or that is difficult to use.

  • He becomes frustrated when he has to spend hours manually compiling data to get a clear picture of the gym's finances.


User Flow

Through user research, I identified the target users for the expense management. Further work helped me create detailed personas to better understand their needs and preferences.

This led to the identification of important use cases:

  • Logging new expenses

  • Editing and deleting expenses

  • Generating reports.

By prioritizing these use cases, I was able to develop user flows that ensure a seamless and user-friendly experience for the users.

Thumbnail Sketches

By producing thumbnail sketches, I am essentially delving into various options for the UI. Through this process, I can test out a range of compositions to determine the most effective approach.

Thumbnail sketches expense.png


Wireframes play a vital role in the design process as they enable me to envision and enhance the layout and structure of the interface before committing significant time and resources to intricate design work.

Wireframe Expense.png

Style Guide

As it's a component of the CRM, I'm obligated to adhere to its existing font style. However, I've found ways to inject some vitality into the design while maintaining its consistency. By incorporating vibrant colors, I've been able to infuse a sense of freshness into the design.

Final Design

I concentrated on creating a design that strikes a balance between form and function. My goal was to ensure that the design is not only aesthetically pleasing but also serves its intended purpose effectively.

Macbook Pro-2.png


This is a Figma prototype that you can interact with by clicking on the light blue highlighted areas within the screens.

Final Thoughts & Learnings

Developing an expense management system for gyms provided me with a profound lesson in grasping the distinct demands of a business and constructing an efficient system tailored to those prerequisites.


This experience taught me the art of crafting an intuitive and user-friendly interface, empowering gym proprietors to handle their responsibilities seamlessly.


The project not only honed my design skills but also granted me invaluable insights at the confluence of finance, technology, and user experience. Undoubtedly, these insights will significantly enrich my future design pursuits.

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